-Swim diaper (disposable or reusable)
-Swimsuit with a TOP (all kids must have a top on- they are slippery!)
-Regular diaper to change into
-2 towels (not just the infant towels)
-Snack for after
-Happy, smiling faces
Every Monday you will stop at the cashier to pay your weekly fee ($100)
They accept credit card, cash, check
Please leave extra time on your first day to create an account and sign necessary forms for the City. if you would like to create an account before arriving please follow this link: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/stpete/home?onlineSiteId=0&from_original_cui=true
You may also stop by on the weekend before your lessons begin to create an account to save time. Every program makes payment on Monday, so it is a little hectic. We enforce a 4 min late policy, even if you are paying.
All lessons are at North Shore Aquatic Complex (901 N Shore Dr NE)
You will enter in through the front of the complex-
-All lessons are in the PLAY POOL in the back of the complex
-Walk along the bleachers side of the 50m pool to the Bay towards the flag pole, then turn right and you will see the slides for the play pool
-Please only enter through the back play pool gate and do not walk in front of the swim team lanes
-Please remember the ground is HOT. Bring extra towels and crocs/natives for your walkers!!
Try to avoid feeding your child dairy and apple products for at least 2 hours before swim lessons. These foods are hard for your little swimmer to digest before the swim lesson and may result in them throwing up when they are burped or just leave them feeling very uncomfortable throughout the lesson. These foods tend to make their tummies full of air and make it difficult for them to swim.
If you notice that any other foods make your child gassy, try to avoid those as well. I’ve noticed that fruit in general is very hard on their tummies and may need to be avoided like apples and dairy but each child is different.
Morning lessons are with Chloe & Mallory
Afternoon lessons are with Chloe and Erin
All lessons will be carefully watched by Chloe.
You do not have a choice in instructor.
The first day of lessons will be about building a rapport and teaching your swimmer to close their mouth underwater and grab the wall. The first week of lessons is all about having your child learn how to propel their body through the water and find the wall. Towards the end of the week we will start to introduce the back float. The first week is the hardest. Once we get through it I PROMISE it gets better.
Late policy: If you are 4 minutes or more late to your lesson, your lesson is forfeited
Cancellation policy: Notice must be given on Friday the week before lessons for a planned missed day, 3 hrs for illness and other emergencies to be credited for your missed lesson
Play pool: There is no swimming in the play pool before or after lessons. For lessons between 9am-4pm you can pay the daily fee to play in the pool before/after lessons. All other times the pool is off limits including to siblings and friends.
If your lessons are cancelled due to pool weather closure, Chloe will contact you as soon as your lesson is canceled. Please do not text her to ask about the weather as she is teaching and it makes it difficult to manage lessons if everyone is texting. Cancellations are also posted on the @hubbardsurvivalswim Instagram story.
2025 scheduling has begun! I am currently on maternity leave after welcoming our second child in February. Please be patient as I work through the lesson request forms and contact forms during this special and fleeting time 💝